I used to be a member at a hunting club in chelsea and we had a chocolate lab chase deer out of a couple of food plots several times and it happened to me also. The people who owned the dog lived down the street. I was out doing some preseason scouting the next year and as I was leaving the club I saw the owner of the dog jogging down one of our hunting club roads with the same choc lab in tow so I stopped and told him he was trespassing on private property and oh by the way you are kinda training your dog to come over here and we have had several problems with your dog coming over here and there has been talk of shooting the dog if the problem persists I really wish you would contain your dog during hunting season. Then they guy says in a really snotty a**hole kinda way, my dog has never been over here without me he stays in the yard all day and if you shoot him I will just come over here and kick the s**t outta you well I stepped out of the truck and after he realized I was about 6 inches taller and 50 pounds heavier than he was he piped down a little bit. I said you know what, I was being nice and warning you about other club members and I never said I was gonna do it I don't want to see your dog get killed and you are trespassing and being a d**k about it I will just call the game warden you just stay right there. He said oh there's no reason to do that you will never see me or my dog again. After that everytime I drove to the hunting club I would smile at that dog sitting in his kennel in his yard. Sometimes all you have to do is talk to people and threaten them a little bit.

Yeah c’mon. Daniel White