Originally Posted By: nock1on
ScoutLook App gives you the scent "cone" for your prevailing wind. I think the wind thing is crap. Spray down, sit still, and wait for deer is my way to hunt. There is no such thing as a prevailing wind in Alabama, IMHO. Our terrain is too rolling to have a constant wind direction. Not to mention being caught between the gulf and the Atlantic, our wind is not ever from one direction during a days hunt for me anyway.

My opinion and $1.75 will buy you a Coke.

I have to agree that the wi.d is ever changing here at my farm too. No way I can make an all day sit in the same place. I am not 100% on the wind having to b perfect. Bigest deer I have shot came from down wind n never knew I was there till I stopped him n shot. But I have had deer blow at me n some run and some stay... So idk I just try n play the wind best I can and hope one shows up

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Hoyt Vector 32
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Alto, la migra means Stop, immigration in Spanish slang. They'll scatter like skittles dropped on a concrete floor. -Furflyin