There's a verse in an old song named "Oh My Darling Clementine" that goes:

In a cavern, in a canyon,
Excavating for a mine,
Dwelt a miner, forty-niner
And his daughter - Clementine

It was back in the '70s when CB radios were the fun way to communicate instead of cell phones and I-pads, and everybody had to have a CB radio "handle".

I worked in the mines, and I was born in '49... so 49er seemed like as good a handle as any to me. I held FCC Citizen's Band License KQF1223. I had my CB radio in my brand new 1974 4X4 International Scout II, and I had the world by the tail. I had free permits to hunt thousands of acres, I had a truck that would get me there and back, and I kept up with where the dog hunters were on my CB radio so I could stay out of their way and go places where they didn't hunt.

Now I'm old and contankerous because I pay lots of money to hunt a very small part of those thousands of acres I used to hunt for free, and I have a "ham" radio in my truck as I drive by hills and hollows I'll never be allowed to set foot on again. I hold FCC Amateur Radio License KD4PQS. I can drive my wife's Buick down the gas well roads where I used to need my Scout to get me in and out of the woods, or rather, where the woods used to be. Between strip mining, gas wells and clear-cutting there ain't much left of those woods anymore. We use our real names on "ham" radio, so I don't need a handle to use it. I figured I might as well use it on for old time's sake.