Originally Posted By: longbow76

They were talking about creating a platform where they could grab enough attention to educate hunters and try to get more people on board to work together on managing the deer herd in the area better.

I know a couple of these guys as well and they are good guys with good intentions. However, I think the project is not only misguided but doomed to failure (since altering the genetics of Marengos co's deer herd is the objective and an unobtainable objective). These guys do forestry consulting, own a timber business and loggers, as well as the real estate business. I would think that this is a HUGE platform if education of landowners "on managing the deer herd in the area better" is the REAL objective. Pretty simple when you own the bully pulpit - show by example... quit thinning pines like a forester and thin them heavy, do more burning, manage the landowners property to produce enough HIGH QUALITY food for the EXISTING deer herd to express their genetic potential. In other words, put your money where your mouth (and education) is. That may be too much to ask for a timber company though. The answer to "better managing Marengos co's deer herd" is NOT releasing pen raised bucks with "200 inch genetics". It IS in HABITAT MANAGEMENT. In other words, make it look like this:

Sorry Dogs...couldn't hep myself grin

Last edited by gobbler; 10/05/12 08:12 AM.

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine