Originally Posted by Jstocks
Out of curiosity, why would it be higher construction costs?

I’m being serious. I don’t build houses, but when I look at it, it looks to be that the exterior is fitted together with modular panels that are probably fabricated at a plant somewhere, then shipped to the consumer.

I can see potential cost savings in no shingles, rafters, and osb. No brick, stucco, or siding.
Assuming exterior would be cheaper.

Interior I’d assume to be framed walls same as a stick built home, so no curves on the walls. Everything is framed internally same as traditional built home?

Insulation, wiring, plumbing, slab, etc…..no cost savings.

There’s probably only a few companies out there building these. Anything that’s fairly unusual like that likely has peculiarities that can be problems later on until enough people have built them and figured out the learning curve. I’ve heard the ICF homes are probably going to become more and more common and affordable in the near future and I’d definitely be interested in one when there are more contractors building them.