I was a rookie today. Drove in to sweetwater today - hav not had bird roost on me there all year - drove little further in and get there 5-10 min after gobble time - never do that but i got a bad attitude to going so long w out sitting down to one. Was going thru the motions. I get out and stand in truck door - crow - one hammers about 80 yards from me. I am at a perfect set up spot in road. Never had one gobble right there. I wanted to walk up 80 yards and set up on logging ramp - but was scared of getting pegged. I crowed one more time - gobble on 5 second delay. I backed truck up 80 yards - he never gobble again - i never turkey called to him. Hope he aint hurt

Was stupid to drive in that far - will set up in dark there n morning and park way earlier.

Hunt the wind - leave it better than you found it - love your neighbor as you love your self
We need prayer for our country now more than ever