Originally Posted by BamaFan64
Originally Posted by Irishguy
Originally Posted by BamaFan64
Originally Posted by Lonster
I know a guy that had a problem. He eliminated the problem and didn’t post anything on the internet. He has been problem free for several years now.

A life changing event if you get caught. Not exactly inexpensive even in a self defense scenario that you can prove. They’re monitored too closely to take a chance nowadays.

I can assure you guys that no one up at Camp Little Ridge is going to kill Yogi.

I have no use for a dead bear. I have other stuff to do.

Me, either. So far the ammonia has kept them out of our garbage and getting rid of bird feeders has kept them out of the back yard. One local guy was in his workshop, turned around and had one between him and the door. He shot it because he was afraid for his life, and when the game wardens investigated, they agreed and wrote their report up as a self defense event. They told the guy even though it was an obvious self defense shooting, he still needed to get a lawyer because it was still going to court. He passed away from cancer before it went to court, but it goes to show they are serious about bears.

Was going to court for what? I don’t know a judge in the State that would find someone guilty of a crime for shooting any animal in self defense. Don’t even know a prosecutor that would prosecute such nonsense.