I'd take out their oil supply lines and facilities, I'd take out all of their nuclear facilities and program. Then I'd send an unarmed cruise missile into the garage or front lawn of the home, palace, or wherever the Iranian Supreme Leader was resting his head at the time, just to let him know that I knew and that I would not ever hesitate again, to take him out. In fact, I'd broadcast to the world, immediately after the strikes, that I could have taken him out, and if anything is fired back at Israel in return, I dont care if it is someone shooting a rock across the border with a slingshot, then next one will be armed and they'll be looking for a new supreme leader once they gather up all the pieces of the old one and his family. Those factions over there have been fighting since the dawn of time. The only thing they fully understand is brute force and total brutality.

Last edited by abolt300; 04/15/24 12:13 PM.