Originally Posted by Cuz-Pat
Think about all this for a minute...

This is one incident. This is one incident in which perpetrators were caught. One incident on video. How many times does it happen without the incident being on video? How many times does it happen that people get away with it and are never caught? This is just in one state. How many times does it happen all across our country, caught and not caught?

Illegals (which I assume these guys were) come into this country, and literally rape our country of its natural resources. They have no regards for our laws and regulations. Just take our fish and our wildlife from this country whenever and however they see fit.

Just another of the many problems created by Biden and his cronies...

Sickens me greatly.

You can almost be guaranteed they were caught with a cast net too.

Last edited by IDOT; 04/14/24 04:25 PM.

Originally Posted by Patricia Heaton
If you’re a common sense person, you probably don’t feel you have a home in this world right now. If you’re a Christian, you know you were never meant to.