Originally Posted by Mbrock
Originally Posted by Mbrock
Heard one at 1.3 miles away clear as day from a good ridge. Got over here and he gobbled a few more times since flying down but I think he’s got ladies.

Was able to get him fired up enough to pinpoint his exact location. Got my son set up on him at about 100 yards. I backed down the hill about 60 yards and got his hen fired up enough to come investigate. They got close, but my son said he didn’t have a clear shot. I trust his judgement. The dang thing pitched back up into a tree at 7:45 and strutted, gobbled, spit n drummed, and put on a heck of a display from 65’ above us in a 90’ pine tree. Never seen one do that before. His hen flew the creek and when she did, he dropped back down with her and wandered off gobbling his head off. Bet he gobbled between 150-200 times with a hen within 10-20 yards of him the entire time.

Seen it a time or two, figured those birds live on pine beetles as much time they spend on the limb.