Originally Posted by Mbrock
Originally Posted by CrappieMan
Originally Posted by Ridge Life
I’m not gonna say litter hasn’t killed a few turkey. But after what I’ve seen this year and especially the past few weeks, predators are number 1. Hunters being at the top of that list. I’ve seen more out of state tags on pieces of public land than I’ve seen locals in the past ten years. And hunters aren’t stopping at their legal limit. Starting season early. I’ve heard of several people killing well past their limit already and mostly over bait… social media has sky rocketed the number of hunters and kills imo the last few years. A lot more needs to be addressed before the litter.

This is dead on! There's ton after ton of litter spread in south Alabama. I can name 3 pieces of land that gets spread 3 times a year and both are loaded with birds. All 3 also get trapped hard!

Yep!! People are a lot of the problem. It’s unbelievable how many turkeys are getting killed before season opens, over bait or by this new rush of hunters because turkey hunting is cool.

The worst thing for turkey hunting in the last decade or more has been COVID in my opinion. COVID shut the world down right at the beginning of turkey season and many people obviously were not working therefore they took up hunting. I imagine many of these people took whatever means necessary to kill a turkey/turkeys and they don't know how to hunt without bait and fans. This method of hunting is the only method they know and therefore continue to hunt that way which generally tends to up the odds of success. Then like mentioned above there are a lot of people who kill well over the limit just so they can brag about how many they have killed/can kill.