Originally Posted by James
Wasn't really sure what all i had at camp, but i had one stuffed loin left and bag of mix end pieces of sausage i usually save for beans. But decided to use em in a Mac n Cheese along with some deer bacon burger. The deer loin (Boudin) i brought from the house, i put on the smoker for half an hour then on a hot grill to finish off, think it turnt out purty good. Cooking was definitely the highlight for the weekend lol. I would've liked to had Tater Salad or a Vegetable, but just working with what we had. Wanted to maybe do some grilled/smoke fish instead of pork loin, but they didn't wanna play (nor did my boat lol)

Cook the burger and sausage ends on the smoker
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Before it hit the smoker n grill
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Before it hit the smoker.
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This looks amazing.

Gentlemen, James has serious skills.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe