Originally Posted by RareBreed
Originally Posted by Robert D.

Originally Posted by RareBreed
I’m not interested in high fencing our property. Couldn’t afford it if I wanted. I would be interested in deterring the deer to cross a power line that neighbors blast everything adjacent to us. Would an electric fence work? I’d have to run it about half a mile. If I could condition the deer to cross at another area of our property, they could cross without getting blasted to hell, and continue to the other side. Anybody have any experience in doing something like this? If it would work, it’d be a heck of a lot less expensive. Can you even run a 8 strand ( or whatever height it would need to be) hot fence?

Just tossing around ideas.

Yes. Yes you can. Ride out to Pleasant Hill and look at the electric fence they put around their crop fields. Two strands at 10 and 40” and another outside that at 18” (guesses on heights). I’m sure that’s not cheap but if you’re trying to stop migration on something a mile or less I’d say it’s VERY doable. I don’t know if they have a power pole and meter on every field or if they’re using some solar powered boxes but C would tell you. It’s been EXTREMELY effective. Told me fencing one farm on the road back to 41 made enough difference in yield year over year to pay for fencing everywhere they put it so far.

Intersting…. I’ve seen it and thought it was just to keep hogs out. I know that was the main goal. Good to know that those three stands, spaced out like that, can keep out the deer as well. I’ll look into that’s little closer and see what the cost would be. The property is shaped like the state of Tn. Bout a mile and a half long, maybe 600 yards deep. I’d like for them to travel East/West if I could. Solar would be the only way I could even pull it off.

There is a ton of university based research on the effectivness of these fences. Comes down to the fact that deer have bad depth perception and those 3 strands throw them off BIG TIME.