Originally Posted by CNC
Another way of looking at this is that the overabundance of predators, especially raptors, could really be narrowing down the poult survival to just the bestest of the bestest locations across a huge area…..Just think about how a bunch of raptors see the landscape from above...You would likely be getting very little production from anywhere else the higher the predator loads are driven up....

Lots of raptors around here I’ve seen more than I can recall at any time in my life. I think many factors have come about to increase populations. I see a lot of Red Shoulder hawks and Coopers and I think they’re pretty rough on quail and turkey poults

Most of the old timers that lived to kill them are gone. It was a like a competition or something between them.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan