Originally Posted by CNC
For someone dealing with cows I think the key would be to choose the right breed……One that could handle what is being asked of it while still being marketable. Quail plantations are already set up ideally for introducing this kind of management. You’d probably want to modify your burn plan too…..Instead of burning large amounts at one time in Feb/March…..I think you would want to try and burn a stand once a month year round or as close to doing something like that as you could make happen……I think you’re gonna want to keep those grazers rotated to the new flushes of growth coming in 2-3 weeks post fire as much as possible…….Seems like to me that grazers would nearly move themselves in a situation like that.


Trying to talk someone into using these on a quail place

Last edited by gobbler; 03/28/24 08:53 PM.

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