My best understanding from all the research I have done is the best way to have better quality bucks starts with a healthy doe. Be that your food quality, which I think plays a big role, to limiting the number of doe's, you have to start there. I run alot of cameras on different green fields, and the fields I have that get the most traffic usually have whitetail clover/fusion growing, and the soil is darker. I just planted a field in bulldog alfalfa, so I will be interested to see what happens with it.

I think its also important to have good food available when the deer need it. They really need it coming out of the rut and into fawning time. I also think, especially in Alabama, that you have to have something that is strong into August and September. If its dry, the stuff in the woods dries up in a hurry. Thats why I like clover so much, but if its dry, then it struggles some too. Sunn Hemp is my go to there.