I know everything has gone up in price across the board but the price of clothes is ridiculous. I got roped into going clothes shopping with the wife for my boys, for Easter. It’s was raining and we are out of town so there wasn’t much else to do and it seemed like a good time to get it done. Stopped in the local mall and went into a regular ole department store. Nothing extravagant. Looking for khaki pants and polo style shirts. The cheapest shirt I saw was $106.00. The most expensive was $176.00. I see now why old men wear clothes that are out of style. They’re smart enough not to pay those stupid high prices.

Edited to add: Needless to say, shirts were NOT bought. grin

Last edited by ford150man; 03/27/24 09:18 AM.

If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.-Mark Twain