Originally Posted by murf205
Chronographs live in a VERY dangerous neighborhood! Sooner or later, if you shoot enough, you're gonna' shoot one....or 2. I ALMOST shot my CZ 527 with my Magneto Speed attached and a wooden dowel in the barrel for alignment purposes. I have been through the old screens that you purposely shot through, an Oehler Model 10 with the dial you twist and then look in the little book to decipher the speed, and a an Oehler 33 and 2 Chrony's 1 of which got shot, so believe me; even though it is $600, it is worth it. I don't have one yet...but I might as well. Leaving $ to the kids that only want a Nintendo...nah.

Lol if you shoot this one sitting next to your rifle on the bench they need to sell anything related to a firearm. I've had them all never shot one but this Garmin Xero is a gamechanger. I don't know a single person that regrets their purchase.

Keep your booger hooker off the bang switch.