Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by hosscat
If I had the money and a few more acres I would high fence for sure. To add to the discussion of a how a small tract can hurt; several years ago a family that joined my place had a smallish tract (47acres) they killed every deer they saw. Any given weekend afternoon I would see a truck with at least 2 in the cab and 3 more in the bed. Every single weekend afternoon I would at least 1 shot. At the end of one particular season I asked one of the guys if they had killed much and said something like 25ish small bucks, a couple 8pts and a dozen or so does. They only hunted it like that for maybe 10 years until someone passed away and now the guy that has it doesn’t let everyone hunt there. But in that 10 year period they significantly affected the hunting on my place and at least one more that joined it. It was crazy.

Happening all over Alabama on a much more regular basis than most people realize. In Alabama, if you're actively managing for mature bucks (4 yrs and older), a good rule of thumb is that you should be able to harvest 3-5 bucks per year off 1000 acres depending on the quality of your property and what your neighbors are doing. Basically 1 buck per 200-300 acres, once again depending on land quality and location. Bad neighbors, that 3-5 drops to 0-1 or 0-2. Great neighbors, large landowners all around, all on the same program, real good quality land, letting all bucks younger than 4 walk, you might be able to harvest 6-8/yr or even more, without hurting it, in an established program. So yes, a single 20 acre landowner with 3 sons, all of which can kill 3 bucks each (12 in total per year legally) and unlimited does can absolutely ruin any attempt at managing a 1000 acre property. Or, if it was already being well managed, the 20 acre landowner that moves in and starts shooting any buck they see, can ruin years of management efforts in just a few seasons. 12 bucks a year off the 20 acres will be well in excess of what the guy managing the 1000 acres will harvest/yr and none of the bucks killed on the 20 will grow up, live/stay on, or even spend 10% of their time on that 20 acres. But when they walk across that 20 acre piece, and they will walk across it many times a year and during the season, they'll get whacked. And Matt's right. Small property management, 1000 acres or less, has zero chance of success without the surrounding neighbors being on the same page and working together, or in a best case scenario for the deer manager, not hunting their properties at all.

Probably several hundred high fence properties in Alabama

Way more than that. There are 298 licensed deer breeders in Alabama currently. That doesn't include the non-licensed that breed and release into their own enclosures.