Originally Posted by MC21
Im really confused here. Are the deer on this property starving? it looks like a well used field to me. Not sure how one is supposed to determine if there are too many deer on this property from this picture. I got invited to a 500 acre property this year because they "had to many does" there fields looked a lot worse than this. They had not taken a doe off of that property in over 5 years. they also did not allow gun hunting on that property until after Christmas and you couldn't shoot a doe with a rifle. so when I went i took my crossbow. I was sitting on a 1/2 acre plot with a corn pile 40 yards in front of my stand. I had 11 deer come in to that corn pile at around 4 in the afternoon. I shot the biggest doe in the group. The 3 guys that hunted the property were hunting that day and they all saw at least 6 or more does and we all killed a doe that afternoon. They wanted 5 does killed off the property and we almost did it that in one afternoon. Even though I was happy to shoot a doe for them, I'm still not sold that they had "too many does" every deer we killed was close to 100 pounds I don't think they were starving.

So my question is how do you determine when there are to many deer on a property? This is directed at the OP

It depends on what your goals are. If all you want to do is see the maximum amount of deer, then don't shoot does. My goal is to grow mature bucks that express their maximum potential.

Antlers are an indication of excess in a buck's life and there is higher competition for resources on my property than I'd like. My deer aren't starving, but I don't want any nutritional stress, or any other stress for that matter, on my deer at any stage of their lives to a greater extent than what is absolutely guaranteed.

In a world of food plotters, be a habitat manager.