Originally Posted by Mike59
Originally Posted by RCHRR
We have no one to blame but ourselves. Generations before would have taken up arms long before it got to this point. So when is it going to happen. The greatest country in the world destroyed by a weapon less invasion. Sickening

Exactly,,,,, there is no organizational front runner that can call in the logistics for such an action.... where will supplies come from to help keep a force in action..... no support for a force of manpower to physically oppose the border incursions... A Militia perhaps.... not one congress person would support such an action.... you'll get no state or local governmental help either..... the locals that have tried to take action have been threatened with jail if they don't cease and desist ..

and to know Centuries ago colonialists and later old west settlers could take up arms to quell an uprising or civil engagement before word even got out that it was taking place... lightning fast communications are the worst enemy....with the internet and smart phones ...now a movement is realized and announced before it even begins.... Feds would be on their way before a group could take action against any invaders... the border jumpers are receiving support from our govt... any group tries to or does find success in stopping these illegals would be demonized like so many already have. You say ,,, When is it going to happen ? I say... when too much of our children's blood has been spilled in the streets and that's happening right now.

I fully agree! Great post!

Duty, Honor, Country

Robert E. Lee