Originally Posted by ALclearcut
Originally Posted by Backwoods cowboy
Pretty sure I'm talking about everything, native and non native. If my property takes resources that are vital to the public, the public needs to buy it maintain it and own it. If I dam a creek on my property that's vital to others, others need to buy it or move. My property is my property. What's on my property is mine. If it's not the owner needs to get it off. This is the problem everyone thinks the government shouldn't pass laws to restrict their freedom, but everyone loves a law that restricts someone else's freedom, as long as it benefits them! Again I say, if there is anything on my property that belongs to someone else's, they need to get it off!

What if I damned up a creek on my land that flooded your entire property? It’s my land and I can do whatever I want, right? If you don’t want your land under 5 ft of water then buy my land and bust open the damn.

Don’t try to reason with him