Originally Posted by Lockjaw
I wish I had 10 acres in fields. I basically plant roads and log decks. Sometimes when they thin they create area's I can plant, but these aren't always easy to get to, much less do much work on. The downside is loggers ruin most of them when they come and cut, even though they aren't supposed to get on the, they do.

Dont wish for too much. I'm getting rid of some foodplots and letting them grow up. The price of seed, fert, and fuel is too high. Ive got one 400 acre place that had about 12-14 acres and now I maintain 8 acres. My private ground I have 5 acres split between 4 spots. Then on the group land there is 20ish plots with about 32 acres. I'm going to cut that back over the next couple years to 20 acres. Too much money and mostly not enough time. Just doing my private spots my wife is about to kill me. I've got to spread more lime tomorrow. Then april I'll be liming the major stuff. Ive got to have someone pick up 26 1500lb totes next week. Luckily I get the lime for free. But, without help from a couple older guys I'd be up poop creek.