Originally Posted by goodman_hunter
Originally Posted by DryFire
Originally Posted by jawbone
Backwoods, you need to talk to your homeowner's insurance company and see how they feel about guard dogs. I bet you'll find that they are not worth what your insurance coverage would cost.

State Farm gave me a list of breeds they would not cover unless you bought a rider policy.

it hasnt been that way for several (5-7)years. I contacted my SF agent just to make sure it hasnt changed. They said they cover all breeds. They didn't cover trained protection dogs or dogs who have bitten someone before. I guess a person could lie about the 2nd one, but I'd bet that before they pay out they're gonna check to see if there is a record first.

I thought he was talking about trained protection dogs when he said guard dogs. I guess you were reading it to mean plain ole junkyard dogs. Regardless, having dogs with the potential to do someone harm is a big liability.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.