Originally Posted by RandanAL
Originally Posted by marshmud991
Years ago I remember reading about about a high fence being put up on a large tract of land here in central Louisiana. If I remember correctly it was the property owned by the wildgame innovation guys. A group of landowners field a suit against them saying that the fence cut off the access to their properties that the animals have historically traveled and pretty much shut down the hunting on their properties. Again it’s been a while but I believe they ruled with the high fence because all their properties were surrounding the fenced property and the animals were free to travel any direction they wanted and property rights allowed the building of the fence. I’m 100% for property rights and agree you shouldn’t be able to tell me what I can and can’t do with my property but I can also see where it might hinder neighboring properties but they’d just have to suck it up and deal with it.
The most interesting one I saw was one holdout landowner in the middle of a huge tract. He had I believe 10 acres completely encircled by high fence. He was obviously upset. He won in the local courts but lost when the large landowner appealed.

If it is related to the article that I read, the 10 acre landowner was quoted in the court documents as saying, that with the intensive management efforts around it, it was an excellent place to hunt for he and his whole family but once the fence was put up,they could no longer use dogs to hunt on his property. I'm betting that they (being the 10 acre landowner and his family) wandered off the 10 acres more than just a few times and it kinda explains why they put up the fence around him.