Today begins day 14
First morning in a week that I woke without a headache
Things seem to be easier now with no cravings or withdrawal symptoms
My body is using everything I’m eating
Bathroom trips are regular with more urination than pooping
On average over the last 3 days I’m losing .5lbs a day and am at 193.5 lbs this morning
My Total Gym is set up and started using it yesterday with just a few reps on each exercise
I have a bad habit with “bull in a china shop” mentality and wind up overdoing it and am sore to the point that any exercise hurts for days
Starting off slow with this and build up to my regular workout routine that I haven’t done since November
I do take supplements but then I always have
It seems my body now is more receptive to them
I’ll continue to post every 3 full days

When I need expert advice I tend to talk to myself
The older I get the better I used to be