Originally Posted by coldtrail
Originally Posted by Skinny
Originally Posted by timberman56
get u a pineapple when u go iin , turn it upside down in ur buggy while ur shopping.

Ok, so in order to prevent serious tactical errors I need clear instructions. After getting and correctly positioning the pineapple; do you go hang out in front of the whipped cream, mayonnaise, cucumbers, or feminine hygiene products?

Just don't put any Oscar myer weiners next to the pineapple

For some reason or another I just do not feel like you people know what you are talking about.
I did not really want to get into the entire pineapple thing, so I just put the pineapple on the bottom rack of the buggy where the wheels are so folks wouldn't notice. Then a damn dog came up out of nowhere and started humping my leg.

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