Originally Posted by cartervj
Hitler identified the Jews as all the ills of the German people. Jews had all the money and power and kept the average German down.
That’s all it took.

The Jews were the boogeyman, bottom line.

Irish, your original question was "Why do the Nazis still fascinate us?" I think as Cartervj stated, it has to do with the Jews. There is so much Hitler and his regime did, but the world somehow turns against Jews and to a lesser degree Catholics in this country. I'm not comparing the disdain the world has for Jews to Catholics, I'm only giving a very slight reference. The only other group of people that is being victimized more in America than Catholics are white, heterosexual men and white couples. I digress, I think groups are still bringing them up is from the hatred the Nazis had and they have for Jews, it is somehow ingrained in people to destroy this group, we also know where this comes from because we know the Jews are the Lord's people. We also know it wasn't just the Nazis, but throughout history, Jews have been run out of countries. I think it has more to do with the devil using his minions to still attack what God set apart.

Now, if you want to discuss all the scientific breakthroughs the German War Machine had, that to me is an entirely different topic. Wow, the advancements they had from field artillery (the 88, though the 88 had a problem with hitting in the same area twice because of the chassis it was built on), to the tanks, the planes, the jets, submarines, rockets V1 and V2 etc. Yet, the allies developed liberty ships, the merchant marine was revolutionized, radar, sonar, radio, rubber (this can't be stressed enough with tires for more vehicles and for artillery pieces to stay on point), the Nordan bomb sight, breaking both the German and Japanese codes, napalm, the jeep, the M1 and the proximity fuse and the atomic bomb along with the soldiers and lesser generals and colonels being given leeway to alter plans or methods of attack versus being under Hitler and his distrust of subordinates should be mentioned. Now America had the greatest advantage, that was being away from the theaters of conflict. Yes, we had to have a fantastic merchant marine to get it all there, but we didn't have to consistently rebuild factories, we just focused on turning it all out for ourselves and other allies to use.

Wow, what a topic(s) to delve into Irish!

“If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.” Napoleon Hill
The most difficult thing to understand during conversation is silence. Thoreau