Originally Posted by hawndog
Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by Irishguy
Originally Posted by cgardner
Damn, what do yall want in a politician? You’re not going to find a perfect one. Hell, Trump has a ton of flaws, but is still better than the ass clown up there in DC. If yall hate them all so much, run for office.

Even though we are basically the greatest Republic in history, and we have about 350 million people to choose from, every 4 years we have to choose between the less chitty of two people none of us would want to even have a beer with.

Because the people that would be best suited for the job have enough sense to know they don't want to be anywhere near that job. It's a catch-22 where the only people that are drawn to it and have a desire to do it are the exact ones you don't want in office

The problem I have is that I never want to vote for anyone that is crazy enough to want the job.

Maybe we should just pick someone at random, kinda like getting chosen for jury duty.

Couldn't do worse than what we have now. Republican voters are especially adept at voting against their own best interest. Last night I listened to a a couple of people that should know better tell me what a good choice they made voting for Britt and how conservative she is. I have zero faith in democrat voters ability to choose wisely and less than zero faith in Republican voters to make sound judgements on who they choose to represent them.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"