Originally Posted by GomerPyle

They can beat an f-22 and f-35 in a straight up dogfight too (if you take away the 22/35 stealth capabilities and force an up close fight). Obviously in the real world, they’d kill the Viper before it ever saw them, but in an old school fight, it dominates them

This is true, But the whole idea is to not get in a dog fight. I am not convinced it could beat a 22. With vectored thrust and such on the 22 it would be very difficult. Back when everyone was saying the 22 was junk and not needed they did a test for them. They launched 5 F15's and a F22 as a test and the F22 got all 5 before they could even take a shot. That is important because not a single F15 has been lost in air to air.

Some of the pilots that I know said during the gulf war, they flew out of the US nonstop to the gulf. They packed about 5 meals with them, and everyone said the worst thing about it is if you look at where the pilot is located, the part up in the canopy is very hot, and waist down is freezing due to the way the AC works.