Originally Posted by Mbrock

Wrong. Recreational hunting of hogs does nothing in the grand scheme of things. Localized trapping done properly does. It takes more time and money than most are willing to throw at it. I can guarantee you the researchers had rather be spending their funding on something else. Hogs can be eradicated. It’s been done. Recreational hunters have never contributed to eradication of hogs and never will.

So hunters killing hogs does nothing to help eradicate them? That's pure "trust the science" crap from people that make their living on this type stuff. Why is it that hogs are such a problem now? They've been here since DeSoto in the 1500s. At what point does a species become native? I'd say 500 years is enough time.

Hogs need to be controlled and are destructive to agriculture. I get it. To be told that they shouldn't be hunted to help with that is total crap. I hunted a piece of property once that the members damn well did eradicate the hogs from, by hunting only.

Many species were historically hunted to extinction (or near it) with primitive weapons. You can't tell me that with today's weapons and sighting technology that isn't possible now.

Meanwhile, the "officials" are OK with baiting corn everywhere and ignore that it probably isn't helping with the hog population. Of course, they get their $$$ for the permits so what was unethical yesterday is fine today. Plus, they can justify more grant funding to get rid of the demon hogs growing fat on the corn.