Originally Posted by Goatkiller

The Democrats are in an all out war against White People. Joe said they intended to make White People a minority in this Country. They are openly calling 1/2 the Country racist.

I think this is more serious than most realize..... Our National News media is openly calling White People racist threats to Democracy!

I gotta ask... if the Democrats win in Novermber.... Then what? This is bad. People all across the Country listen to this crap despite what WE think.

No different than the Nazi propaganda against the Jews prior to WWII.

Propaganda, Dis-Arm, Villainize, De-humanize, Persecute, Eradicate

Originally Posted by Patricia Heaton
If you’re a common sense person, you probably don’t feel you have a home in this world right now. If you’re a Christian, you know you were never meant to.