Originally Posted by RandanAL
Originally Posted by Nightwatchman
If you own the property, then you own anything that lives on that property and should be able to do whatever you damn well please.
This is 100% not true though and would be an awful approach... deer are owned by the public, not private landowners.

Under this viewpoint people could kill a deer without limit at any time during any time of year day or night.

This is precisely what I think you should be able to do on property you own

we already pay homage to our government overlords in the form of property taxes, must buy a permit to build a home or erect a barn in your backyard, or extend your back porch, in some neighborhoods there's HOA's that require you to paint your damn shutters a certain color...I guess you think that sort of regulation should extend to hunting property too....SMELLS LIKE BIG GOVERNMENT/LIBERAL IN HERE!!!!