Originally Posted by turkey247
Originally Posted by lectrode
Originally Posted by turkey247
Originally Posted by lectrode
I don't know the details. I was over this weekend and they have planted pines in all the fields that were part of a clear-cut

I guess I’m confused then, about the plots costing extra or not. Were those plots in the clearcut long established sizable plots, or newer smallish loading deck type areas?

Long established plots, 30 or 40 years old. Apparently the guy that has control of the lease made the decision to give the fields up rather than pay extra money.

This is not happening in south AL from what I’ve seen. Is this north NW AL?

Definitely happening with Rayonier in Baldwin County...unless you're talking about folks just not planting due to the extra cost.

Like I said above...Rayonier is charging $115/acre for food plots...doesn't matter how long they've been established. I know 100% that a ton of the ones at Carney are well over 50 years old...and they're getting charged for them.

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