Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by Frankie
Don't bother me a bit that's a fact . Just gives ammo to the ones it does bother though. Yall wanna post videos like that it's fine with me . But don't complain why you see people having a problem with it.

I get that in one sense but at the same time hiding what I’m doing makes it look like that I believe I’m doing something wrong……and I don’t…….Its like cowing to a leftist because of some emotional issue that they don’t like……

I say this trying not to have bias for something I do…..I firmly believe that what trackers are doing is good for our sport and the hunters…….and any amount of “bad” that’s occurring is just miniscule despite the light in which some folks try and cast it. Hunters are making some bad shots and at the end of the day trackers are just cleaning up that mess…..…..We’re helping to be good stewards of the resource by reducing the amount of “waste” that occurs. This is why it really frustrates me for folks to try and disingenuously cast tracking in a bad light just in hopes of progressing their own dog hunting agenda.

What I'm getting at . It not only hurts your cause but hunting in general. Gory things happen during hunting but there's no need to post it on internet