Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by Frankie
Originally Posted by johnv
I went 13 tracks in a row with non recoveries or had to stop due to property lines this season. People that haven't been tracking really have no clue what they are talking about when they assume we catch deer with flesh wounds

I saw a video the other day of a tracking dog running a deer with a front leg flopping around . It was posted by the tracker . Shiiiiiiiit like that don't help yall . It was on Facebook random video .

Whats wrong with that?....... Hunters blow the legs off of hundreds if not thousands of deer every year……The percentages say that deer isnt going to make it more than 72 hrs and will be lucky to make it 24…….Let me present it to you this way…….Let’s say folks fight to have trackers restricted because of that leg shot deer they believe might live and they win…..What good have they really done?......They’ve only caused hundreds of other deer to be left in the woods for the coyotes as a result and for what…..for the potential of saving a tiny handful of three legged deer that MIGHT potentially survive??.....Is that worth handcuffing trackers over?.....Arent there bigger fish to fry if you’re wanting to save deer?

Again, this is really a non-issue that some purposely blow out of proportion in attempt to benefit their cause......

Because this is not recovering a deer that a hunter couldn’t find, This is using a dog to run and make an opportunity to finish off an animal. Just like Fred said his dog bayed a deer that had been shot in the foot, we’ve all seen deer living missing a foot or a leg. I’m not against tracking at all but don’t get it confused a lot of these guys are basically dog hunting following no regulations. Just like was posted earlier these guys are dumb enough to post videos and details on social media.

Last edited by Boathand; 02/27/24 04:29 PM.