Originally Posted by Nightwatchman
Originally Posted by Mbrock
Originally Posted by Nightwatchman
Originally Posted by Mbrock
Leave the 3 buck limit alone.

Remove Feb hunting from Zone A entirely. If pockets inside Zone A legitimately need an extension provide it using the best boundaries available.

Evaluate the consequences of cell phones and baiting to determine its impact.

Sure, maybe you can think of other things you don't like and maybe work on making them illegal too...You just said we can only kill 3 bucks, what does it matter how you kill them if you only wind up with 3 dead ones anyway? A deer isn't any deader if you shoot him over a pile of corn 5 minutes after getting a pic of him than he would be if you shot him out of a shooting house over your greenfield...

Aside from that, not all of us hang a tactacam over a corn pile and stare at our phone until its time to hunt.....I already own several cell cams, make them illegal and I've just thrown several hundred dollars up a hogs arse..that is the case for lots of people who have already purchased cell cameras. Maybe you can think of other things to outlaw that would render equipment we have already spent good money on useless.

When you tell me that you want to make something I use illegal, all I hear is you saying "Piss on that hard earned money you spent on that trail camera, I am going to throw my weight around to make sure you wasted the time it took you to make that money you used to buy that camera."

My concern is for the resource. It’s what I’ve devoted my life to. If it makes you upset that I care more about my children having hunting opportunities than how happy you are then so be it. Choosing to make people’s lives more convenient and happy over sound management of a resource we all share is not wise decision making. I don’t care how you spend your money. I do care about people continuing to have the same opportunities we all have had.

Matt, you ALREADY have a 3 buck rule, you have a check in place. You have solved that problem. This 3 buck rule should safeguard you resource....Trail cams don't equal more dead bucks than we have already allocated for since everyone gets 3 anyway....that should eliminate you having to run around calling for trail cams to be illegal

Throwing around the emotional rhetoric about "your children having access to the resource" is BS has nothing to do with what we are talking about.

Well we just disagree then. Game and fish laws and regulations used to be so that hunting was a challenge. They were intended to be written and enforced that way. Now it seems the “immediate gratification” has bled into every aspect of life, including hunting, and people have an expectation that hunting should be as easy and convenient as possible, allowing everything imaginable to aid or assist in the hunt. At some point in time, you’ll realize I’m right, and that the combination of lengthy gun seasons, bait, cameras, fragmented landscapes and more hunters is not sustainable. You do realize I work over vast landscapes in this state, and it’s becoming more and more common to meet with large landowners who can’t grow a deer to 3 years of age due to the liberal seasons we have. That’s going to become increasingly more common as the years go by. I’m not advocating for trophy management by the state at all. I’m simply stating that mature deer in the population are vitally important to herd health and hunter satisfaction. If something don’t change in certain areas people are losing interest fast.