Originally Posted by Cuz-Pat

As far as I can tell, they claim to manufacture only one product in their entire line-up. That would be the Razor HD AMG scope, that is allegedly made in Wisconsin. This is a scope that retails in the $2,499.00 to $2,999.00 price range. Not real affordable for the average hunter.

The rest of their products are made for them by other scope manufacturers, that slap the "Vortex" trade name on them.

Razor - Made in Japan
Viper - Made in the Philippines
Diamondback - Made in the Philippines
Viper Red Dot Series - Made in China
Diamondback Tactical - Made in China
Strike Eagle - Made in China
Crossfire - Made in China

The XM157 is made in the US. Although it is $10k each.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.