Originally Posted by Bronco 74
I’ve been at the same job for 40 years and thinking of calling it quits. I turned 60 last December. Got a good pension and savings. My question is what do I do? All you retired folks chime in please. I’m at the crossroads. Thx

Fish, hunt, garden, spend time with family, sleep, relax, piddle, enjoy life. Exercise. Sleep more. Take naps. Make lifestyle changes to ensure living another 25+ years without being crippled, hobbled and "Ah cain't do that." Do things you've wanted to do but haven't.

Mostly, enjoy life.

"Hunting Politics are stupid!" - Farm Hunter

"Bible says you shouldn't put sugar in your cornbread." Dustin, 2013

"Best I can figure 97.365% of the general public is a paint chip eating, mouth breathing, certified dumbass." BCLC, 2020