Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by Frankie
What do trackers do when the dog bays on land they don't have permission to be on ?

It usually doesn’t get to that point…….Most trackers are following their dogs through the woods…….some don’t but most do. The vast majority of the time I’m 50-100 yards behind my dogs looking for blood, watching to see how hard they’re having to work to track it, etc……I’m already assessing the situation in case one jumps to see how far we are from roads, property lines, big creeks, etc……All I got to do is hit my tone button at any time and recall them back to me….

One of the questions I typically ask hunters over the phone before even going out is “How far are you from the property lines?”…..I tell them that if they’re anywhere close then they probably need to go ahead and get the neighbors contact info just in case. Not all, but a lot of the time we’re already prepared ahead of time for the potential of crossing property lines and the neighbors have already been contacted…

Then where the problem with being on a leash ? Not that I care either way if you crossed my land .