Originally Posted by Wapiti55
If your mind is set on advancing , I’d move on. Things probably won’t improve there. If it’s a relatively good gig in the big picture and you can see retirement on the horizon then it may make sense to put up with it. Otherwise I’d be looking for my next opportunity.

This…. though I’m thinking OP is a younger guy & not close at all to retirement age. Will say I get sick & tired of my coworkers bitching about how bad our company is & they always are threatening to leave. Some, many of ‘em won’t be happy anywhere. (Last two sentences not directed at original poster)

Be looking for a better gig. Have a timeline. If things don’t improve in 3 months, 6 months, whatever, I’m gone.

Originally Posted by hillmp
The left lane is for the the purpose of moving the flow of traffic forward regardless of the speed limit. If your impeding the flow of traffic get your ass in the right lane. It's really that simple...