Originally Posted by AU7MM08
Originally Posted by jbatey1
At a previous company, the owner set a sales goal. He included some very very good incentives, they were tiered up to a level that he felt we couldn’t achieve.

What did our department do as a team? Completely blow away his goals, earned the largest bonus which also led him to the greatest level of income for that product.

He was pissed that he had to pay such large bonuses and more of less dog cussed the team for achieving the unrealistic goals.

From that point on, I didn’t give many phucks about his company.

Yup instead of celebrating the success and taking the crew out for a nice dinner, he completely disenfranchised the crew.
Celebrating success should be a line item on a company budget.
I’m not talking about participation trophies but hitting goals should be recognized

The old way of running a business (expecting highly driven and high performing employees to put up with all of the BS) isn’t going to fly now a days. Younger gens will put up with some BS, but they won’t be force fed it. They’ll just leave and start their own successful company and implement the technologies and treatment that their peers want or they’ll bounce until they find a company who appreciates them.

The fool tells me his reasons; the wise man persuades me with my own.