The reason we still have all these "does" in this scenario is simply that on the 2000 acre club they kill mostly 2.5 year old bucks and so does everyone around them.

What's left?


Increase doe harvest.....

What's left?

Fewer Deer for everyone.

That's the real scenario here.

Other issues... Club acres aren't a square box. Most are irregular shaped so this compounds the problem in that you are potentially touching even more small parcels AND also this means you have limited home range acres to "keep deer on your property"

That's not happening.

2,000 acres in a block is about 3 square miles. 2,000 acres not in a block means you can't keep the deer on your property. I have plenty of pictures of the same deer 2 and 3 miles apart as the crow flies. Especially during the rut.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.