Originally Posted by CarbonClimber1
Originally Posted by RidgeRanger
Originally Posted by Bgreene18
I’ve killed a train load of pigs with it including some big, nasty ones.

What 17HMR load do you use for pigs? 20XTP?

Any one you want..just shootem behind the eyeball..i always liked the 20gn cci hollow points..but ive kilt as many or more with 17gn hornady v max
If hou shoot pigs anywhere but the head…your severely backin up…ive seen the bastages tote a 300rum 200 yards straight into black brush so thick a rabbit wouldnt live in it…shot through both lungs an 2 broke front shoulders…shoot…them..in..the…head…less you just wantem to run off an wanna trackit

Thanks. My hunting tactics would have to change to accommodate timed, precision shots. Most of my daytime hog kills have been walk up snap shots that require some ballistic thump.