Originally Posted by Booger
Satan appears to be the head of that group anyway. I’ve never, EVER heard Joel present the gospel. I’ve never heard him say Jesus died for the sins of the world.

After reading this, i couldnt remember him talking much about Jesus either. I googled it. He does say Jesus is the only way to God. Theres a interview with oprah, and i personally despise her, but he tells oprah Jesus is the only way and he also says homosexuality is a sin, according to the bible. I enjoy hearing Joel Olsteen. Hes a pretty good inspirational speaker. But ive always thought his message would be more for someone who is already a christian. Ive never heard much out of him that would lead a lost person to salvation. Im a little different than most though, i try not to look for the differences or the way to be against the other christian. I try not to dwell on the differences. I believe youll fid something you dont agree with in just about every message any preacher preaches. Theres certainly many different styles of preaching, you wont like all of them. But i can generally find some good in all of them and i try to focus on that part.