I coached Torrey in Dixie Senior baseball and played against him for years in softball and I can attest to the fact that he goes at everything hardcore. He grew up that way. His uncle is one of the finest athletes to come from the area. His whole family, immediate and extended, are very competitive people. Torrey was a very good, but undersized QB on a good high school football team. I know Torrey is proud of this deer although it is not much consolation as he recently lost his father, who started his love of hunting, fishing, and ball playing. Congrats to him. He's a good person and if anyone deserves, by virtue of being a good person, and putting in effort, to kill a deer like this, then it is Torrey. Some kill a deer of this caliber through luck and others by effort and persistence. Torrey's was the latter, I can guarentee.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.