Originally Posted by cartervj
My permits only allow shooting does, no bucks allowed.

In 2 years killed 1 doe. Neighbor had 5 bucks eating his beans up next to our shops middle of the day. On several occasions.

We tried spraying a product 3 times to keep deer off the beans. It works fine unless it gets ashes off in the rain. That was over a 100 dollars an acre washed away and beans ate up. Replanted 20ish acres and they never got up. Our hunters have killed over a 10 deer in 3 acres and adjoins farmer says the same. We pull deer from all around the hills where it’s great habitat for deer. Mixed cutover ages interspersed with hardwood drains. They just cut 160 acres of hardwoods and that seems to have moved deer away from us. We’re hoping so. One neighbor has deer hunters and they only shoot bucks. They complain a lot we killing all the deer. We’re trying 😂

It will never happen though. Deer just move after hours during the hunting season.

ok it may have changed . times i was in on them 40 years ago