Originally Posted by Teacher One
I had a man tell me one time when I bowhunted exclusively that when I killed a doe, I was possibly killing the next world record buck at the same time. It took a few years for this to sink in, but he was right. I think about what he said each time I see a dead doe whether shot or roadkilled. I haven't killed a doe in over 20 years and won't kill another one in my lifetime. There is no way I am going to break a sweat dragging out a doe. If my grandkids want to kill one, go for it. Just not for me.

I grew up when seeing a deer track was something that people came from miles around to see! I even remember seeing a doe cross the road when I was about 10 years old. This was the first deer I had ever seen in the wild! During this time the state was trying to restock deer here in Colbert and does were off limits. I can remember folks telling about how sorry an individual was if they killed a doe then. Looking back 55 years later times have really changed.

But the same can be said about a buck u kill. May have the sperm of the next world record.