The GF is part of the problem. He drives my younger son to school. He gets there early so he can hang out with her. Kicks my younger son out of truck so he and her can hang out. Rain, cold, it doesn't matter. She says nothing. Younger could sit in the back of the truck wasnt packed full of crap like he's a cat lady. Oh I'm gonna clean that out ... Yeah right.

Oldest thinks my truck is his because he puts gas in it. I took keys away last night. Xbox is in my gun safe. Told him he could have it back when his grades come up. He says he has to go to work, I said not my problem.

He's grounded until grades come up. He's on a 504 plan too. I've done everything I can do for him, at some point it's on him. I honestly just want the school the fail him and make him repeat 12th grade, but I guarantee you they won't do it. He probably has enough credits to graduate even with the 2 F's he has now.

I told him yesterday he is acting like a douche. Then it's all poor pitiful me. We don't ever do anything. Well if he would have gotten his hunter Ed done 3 years ago, he could hunt with me. If he was around and not making F's maybe he would not be grounded. It's like I'm just supposed to sit around and wait for him to be available.

He has the same me this mom does. Nothing is her fault and she's the queen of making excuses.

I hate to say it and feel bad, but getting him out and off my payroll just feels like being released from jail. He's my son and I love him, but not this part of him. I hate it.