Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by sbo1971
So a woman can cry rape with no evidence, no witnesses, no police reports and claim that it took place sometime in a certain year and win $$. If you think that this is Trumps fault then you are part of the problem and if you think it can’t happen to you, then you’re delusional.

Yeah and then get another 83 million because he complained about getting screwed out of tge first 5 million. Aint that about the size of it?

You notice that every mainstream media outlet screams Trump raped this dog faced hag, but Tara Reade basically has the same story about Joe Biden and she was a crazy lying bitch. See had to defect to Russia because she's such a lier. It's amazing how the rules are different for Democrats. Democrats are truly Satins spawn. There is nothing walking on this earth that can equal the evil that Democrats possess.